Sunday, 11 August 2013

Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel

Although I use this book primarily for learning some statistics, some of the examples of SQL query can be quite useful. Overall, I think the book is quite easy to master, and may provide some insight into CRM data analytics.

Reading Status: Completed

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Data Mining Cookbook: Modeling Data for Marketing, Risk, and Customer Relationship Management

Although from my personal opinion, the book is not very well written, it provides quite a bit of insights on how mining method such as logistic regression can be used to customer segmentation, profiling, and create various targeting, propensity models for marketing and risk as well as customer relationship management. the illustrated programming language is in SAS, but the code is not completely listed in the book. It is not a beginning book for SAS but a seasoned programmer who previously does not programme in SAS should not have difficulty picking up the code and implementation in the book. btw the book is outdated,

Reading Status: Not Completed.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Evolutionary Design by Computation

A book that started me on the development of several interactive evolutionary computation programs, very enjoyable book to read as well :)

Reading Status: Completed

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

S-Q Course Book

The book below i primarily used it for some computation in Monte Carlo simulation, but it is a very good and easy-to-understand book for learning data structure for scientific computation:

Reading Status: Not Completed

An Introduction to Genetic Algortihms for Scientists and Engineers

Another entry-level book for learning genetic algorithms

Reading Status: Completed

Applied Genetic Algorithm in Java

A starting entry-level book for learning genetic algorithm in Java. very easy to understand and implement.

Reading Status: Completed

Head First Design Patterns

Very easy entry-level book for any one interested in Design Pattern.

Reading Status: Completed

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Supply Chain Optimization Design and Management Advances and Intelligent Methods.

Very nice book about the recent supply chain optimization method as well as computational intelligence approach for solving problems such customer uncertainty, etc.
Reading Status: Not Completed

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Learning OpenCV Computer Vision with the OpenCV library

This is a very easy to understand book on computer vision which uses the OpenCV library to develop computer vision and learning applications.
Reading Status: Not Completed

Friday, 5 July 2013

Stochastic Local Search Application and Foundations

This is another book that i studied when implementing algorithms for VRP

Reading Status: Completed

Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization

 This is the book i studied when implementing various local search heuristics for Vehicle Routing Problem.


Reading Status: Completed

Mining the Social Web

Very useful book on using python tools to mine the web

Reading Status: Not Completed

Mining Graph Data

The book I read when researching on application of graph mining for vehicle routing problems during my PHD.

Reading Status: Completed

PHP Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for PHP Programmers

The book I read when developing PHP application

Reading Status: Completed

J2ME Game Programming (Game Development)

This is the book I read when developing a J2ME air game.

Reading Status: Completed

Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost

This is the book I read when starting to use boost library in game development like delegate, event or lambda functions, as well as regular expression.

Reading Status: Completed

Game Programming All in One

The book I read when starting my own game programming in Allegro


Reading Status: Completed

Beginning DirectX 9 (Game Development Series)

The book I read when developing a DirectX 9 game engine


Reading Status: Completed

The OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL Version 3.0 and 3.1

The book I read when developing SimFI in OpenGL and SDL.

Reading Status: Completed

Pro OGRE 3D Programming

The first book I read when starting to develop simulation and game application in OGRE 3D.

Reading Status: Completed

Grammatical Evolution: Evolutionary Automatic Programming in an Arbitrary Language (Genetic Programming)

The book I used to develop my own grammatical evolution library.


Reading Status: Completed

Linear Genetic Programming (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation)

The book I used to write my own Linear Genetic Programming library:

Reading Status: Completed

MFC Programming from the Ground Up

Another book I read when developing MFC application

Reading Status: Completed

Beginning Visual C++ 6

This is the book that I first read when starting to develop GUI application in MFC.

Reading Status: Completed

The Selfish Gene

A must have book for a researcher in memetic computation

Reading Status: Not Completed

The Meme Machine

This is a very good book that explains the meme concepts in terms of potential of meme in explaining social movement and engineering and aspects of human society. It contains the detailed description of concepts such as imitation, although as a computer science research, i am more inclined to concepts in "The selfish meme" which describes concepts with hierarchical structure readily translatable to models for computational intelligence methods.

Reading Status: Completed

Constructing intelligent agents using JAVA

The first book that i came across concepts in computational intelligence method related to data mining and machine learning.

Reading Status: Completed

C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4

This is another book I used when developing Qt GUI application:

Packed with realistic examples and in-depth advice, this is the book Trolltech uses to teach Qt to its own new hires. Extensively revised and expanded, it reveals today's best Qt programming patterns for everything from implementing model/view architecture to using Qt 4.3's improved graphics support. You'll find proven solutions for virtually every GUI development task, as well as sophisticated techniques for providing database access, integrating XML, using subclassing, composition, and more. Whether you're new to Qt or upgrading from an older version, this book can help you accomplish everything that Qt 4.3 makes possible.

Reading Status: Completed

The Book of Qt 4: The Art of Building Qt Applications

The first book that i used to write my GUI application in Qt.

Cross-platform development is a kind of holy grail, and Trolltech's Qt toolkit may well be the most promising solution yet to this development challenge. Qt is widely used for the development of GUI applications as well as console tools and servers, and it's especially appealing to programmers who need to write cross-platform applications to run on Linux/Unix, Mac, and Windows machines without having to rewrite for each platform.

Reading Status: Completed

Polygon mesh processing

This was the first book I read when I was assigned to develop some computational geometry and mesh processing  application in C++. It contains quite a detailed description on mesh processing such as remeshing, deformation, smoothing, parameterization, decimation and so on.


The iPhone Developer's Cookbook: Building Applications with the iPhone 3.0 SDK

My first book that i read to write iPhone application.

Reading Status: Completed

The iOS 4 Developer's Cookbook: Core Concepts and Essential Recipes for iOS Programmers

The book that i last time used to write iOS application. Quite a nice reference book

Reading Status: Completed

jQuery UI 1.6: The User Interface Library for jQuery

Create powerful front-end interfaces for your web applications with jQuery UI. This book is for front-end designers and developers that need to quickly learn how to use the jQuery UI User Interface Library. To get the most out of this book you should have a good working knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and will need to be comfortable using jQuery, the underlying foundation of jQuery UI.

Reading Status: Completed

Yii 1.1 Application Development Cookbook

A Cookbook covering both practical Yii application development tips and the most important Yii features

Reading Status: Completed

Supply Chain Optimization, Design, and Management: Advances and Intelligent Methods

Computational Intelligence (CI) is a term corresponding to a new generation of algorithmic methodologies in artificial intelligence, which combines elements of learning, adaptation, evolution and approximate (fuzzy) reasoning to create programs that can be considered intelligent.

Supply Chain Optimization, Design, and Management: Advances and Intelligent Methods presents computational intelligence methods for addressing supply chain issues. Emphasis is given to techniques that provide effective solutions to complex supply chain problems and exhibit superior performance to other methods of operations research.

Reading Status: Not Completed

Exploring Everyday Things with R and Ruby

If you’re curious about how things work, this fun and intriguing guide will help you find real answers to everyday problems. By using fundamental math and doing simple programming with the Ruby and R languages, you’ll learn how to model a problem and work toward a solution.

All you need is a basic understanding of programming. After a quick introduction to Ruby and R, you’ll explore a wide range of questions by learning how to assemble, process, simulate, and analyze the available data. You’ll learn to see everyday things in a different perspective through simple programs and common sense logic. Once you finish this book, you can begin your own journey of exploration and discovery.

Reading Status: Not Completed

Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R

An Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R teaches the skills needed to perform scientific programming while also introducing stochastic modelling. Stochastic modelling in particular, and mathematical modelling in general, are intimately linked to scientific programming because the numerical techniques of scientific programming enable the practical application of mathematical models to real-world problems.

Reading Status: Not Completed

An Introduction to Multi Agent System

Multiagent systems are a new paradigm for understanding and building distributed systems, where it is assumed that the computational components are autonomous: able to control their own behaviour in the furtherance of their own goals.  The first edition of An Introduction to Multiagent Systems was the first contemporary textbook in the area, and became the standard undergraduate reference work for the field. This second edition has been extended with substantial new material on recent developments in the field, and has been revised and updated throughout. It provides a comprehensive, coherent, and readable introduction to the theory and practice of multiagent systems, while presenting a wealth of discussion topics and pointers into more advanced issues for those wanting to dig deeper.

Reading Status: Not Completed

A Concise Introduction to Multiagent Systems and Distributed Artificial Intelligence

Multiagent systems is an expanding field that blends classical fields like game theory and decentralized control with modern fields like computer science and machine learning. This monograph provides a concise introduction to the subject, covering the theoretical foundations as well as more recent developments in a coherent and readable manner. The text is centered on the concept of an agent as decision maker. Chapter 1 is a short introduction to the field of multiagent systems. Chapter 2 covers the basic theory of singleagent decision making under uncertainty. Chapter 3 is a brief introduction to game theory, explaining classical concepts like Nash equilibrium. Chapter 4 deals with the fundamental problem of coordinating a team of collaborative agents. Chapter 5 studies the problem of multiagent reasoning and decision making under partial observability. Chapter 6 focuses on the design of protocols that are stable against manipulations by self-interested agents. Chapter 7 provides a short introduction to the rapidly expanding field of multiagent reinforcement learning. The material can be used for teaching a half-semester course on multiagent systems covering, roughly, one chapter per lecture.

Reading Status: Completed

Reinforcement Learning

This introductory textbook on reinforcement learning is targeted toward engineers and scientists in artificial intelligence, operations research, neural networks, and control systems, and we hope it will also be of interest to psychologists and neuroscientists.

Reading Status: Completed

The book helped me to implement the following algorithms in C# for my library:

  • TD(0) Learning
  • Q-Learning
  • R-Learning
  • Sarsa
  • Q (Lambda) - Learning
  • Sarsa (Lambda)

The Vehicle Routing Problem: Latest Advances and New Challenges

The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) has been an especially active and fertile area of research. Over the past five to seven years, there have been numerous technological advances and exciting challenges that are of considerable interest to students, teachers, and researchers. The Vehicle Routing Problem: Latest Advances and New Challenges will focus on a host of significant technical advances that have evolved over the past few years for modeling and solving vehicle routing problems and variants. New approaches for solving VRPs have been developed from important methodological advances. These developments have resulted in faster solution algorithms, more accurate techniques, and an improvement in the ability to solve large-scale, complex problems.

The book will systematically examine these recent developments in the VRP and provide the following in a unified and carefully developed presentation: Present novel problems that have arisen in the vehicle routing domain and highlight new challenges for the field; Present significant methodological advances or new approaches for solving existing vehicle routing problems; Summarize the most significant research results for the vehicle routing problem and its variants from 2000 to the present.

Reading Status: Completed

Bio-inspired Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem

The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is one of the most famous combinatorial optimization problems. In simple terms, the goal is to determine a set of routes with overall minimum cost that can satisfy several geographical scattered demands. Biological inspired computation is a field devoted to the development of computational tools modeled after principles that exist in natural systems. The adoption of such design principles enables the production of problem solving techniques with enhanced robustness and flexibility, able to tackle complex optimization situations. The goal of the volume is to present a collection of state-of-the-art contributions describing recent developments concerning the application of bio-inspired algorithms to the VRP. Over the 9 chapters, different algorithmic approaches are considered and a diverse set of problem variants are addressed. Some contributions focus on standard benchmarks widely adopted by the research community, while others address real-world situations.

Reading Status: Completed

The Vehicle Routing Problem

This text covers the state-of-the-art solution methods developed at the end of the 20th century for the Vechicle Routing Problem (VRP) and some of its main variants, while also devoting a large part to the discussion of practical issues.

Reading Status: Completed

Thursday, 4 July 2013

A Field Guide to Genetic Programming

A Field Guide to Genetic Programming (ISBN 978-1-4092-0073-4) is an introduction to genetic programming (GP). GP is a systematic, domain-independent method for getting computers to solve problems automatically starting from a high-level statement of what needs to be done. Using ideas from natural evolution, GP starts from an ooze of random computer programs, and progressively refines them through processes of mutation and sexual recombination, until solutions emerge. All this without the user having to know or specify the form or structure of solutions in advance. GP has generated a plethora of human-competitive results and applications, including novel scientific discoveries and patentable inventions.

Reading Status: Completed

Introduction to Operations Research

Frederick S. Hillier was born and raised in Aberdeen, Washington, where he was an award winner in statewide high school contents in essay writing, mathematics, debate, and music. As an undergraduate at Stanford University he ranked first in his engineering class of over 300 students. Dr. Hillier's research has extended into a variety of areas, including integer programming, queueing theory and its application, statistical quality control, and the application of operations research to the design of production systems and to capital budgeting. He was the first prize winner of a research contest on "Capital Budgeting of Interrelated Projects" sponsored by The Institute of Management Sciences and the U.S. Office of Naval Research. He and Dr. Lieberman also received the honorable mention award for the 1995 Lanchester Prize (best English-language publication of any kind in the field of operations research) for the 6th edition of IOR. He currently serves as the Series Editor for the International Series in Operations Research and Management Science being published by Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Reading Status: Completed

Evolutionary Computation for Modeling and Optimization

Evolutionary Computation for Optimization and Modeling is an introduction to evolutionary computation, a field which includes genetic algorithms, evolutionary programming, evolution strategies, and genetic programming.  The text is a survey of some application of evolutionary algorithms. It introduces mutation, crossover, design issues of selection and replacement methods, the issue of populations size, and the question of design of the fitness function. It also includes a methodological material on efficient implementation. Some of the other topics in this book include the design of simple evolutionary algorithms, applications to several types of optimization, evolutionary robotics, simple evolutionary neural computation, and several types of automatic programming including genetic programming. The book gives applications to biology and bioinformatics and introduces a number of tools that can be used in biological modeling, including evolutionary game theory. Advanced techniques such as cellular encoding, grammar based encoding, and graph based evolutionary algorithms are also covered.

This book presents a large number of homework problems, projects, and experiments, with a goal of illustrating single aspects of evolutionary computation and comparing different methods. Its readership is intended for an undergraduate or first-year graduate course in evolutionary computation for computer science, engineering, or other computational science students. Engineering, computer science, and applied math students will find this book a useful guide to using evolutionary algorithms as a problem solving tool.
Reading Status: Completed

Evolutionary Game Theory

This text introduces current evolutionary game theory -- where ideas from evolutionary biology and rationalistic economics meet -- emphasizing the links between static and dynamic approaches and noncooperative game theory. Much of the text is devoted to the key concepts of evolutionary stability and replicator dynamics. The former highlights the role of mutations and the latter the mechanisms of selection. Moreover, set-valued static and dynamic stability concepts, as well as processes of social evolution, are discussed. Separate background chapters are devoted to noncooperative game theory and the theory of ordinary differential equations. There are examples throughout as well as individual chapter summaries.Because evolutionary game theory is a fast-moving field that is itself branching out and rapidly evolving, Jörgen Weibull has judiciously focused on clarifying and explaining core elements of the theory in an up-to-date, comprehensive, and self-contained treatment. The result is a text for second-year graduate students in economic theory, other social sciences, and evolutionary biology. The book goes beyond filling the gap between texts by Maynard-Smith and Hofbauer and Sigmund that are currently being used in the field.Evolutionary Game Theory will also serve as an introduction for those embarking on research in this area as well as a reference for those already familiar with the field. Weibull provides an overview of the developments that have taken place in this branch of game theory, discusses the mathematical tools needed to understand the area, describes both the motivation and intuition for the concepts involved, and explains why and how it is relevant to economics.

Reading Status: not completed

The Selfish-Meme

Culture is a unique and fascinating aspect of the human species. How did it emerge and how does it develop? Richard Dawkins has suggested that culture evolves and that memes are the cultural replicators, subject to variation and selection in the same way as genes function in the biological world. In this sense human culture is the product of a mindless evolutionary algorithm. Does this imply that we are mere meme machines and that the conscious self is an illusion? Kate Distin extends and strengthens Dawkins's theory and presents a fully developed and workable concept of cultural DNA. She argues that culture's development can be seen both as the result of memetic evolution and as the product of human creativity. Memetic evolution is therefore compatible with the view of humans as conscious and intelligent.

Reading Status: Completed