Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Unity 2D Game Development

Managed to read half of the book, but was too exhausted to have any further interest to continue reading. Not that it is difficult, it is actually quite suitable for beginner. I think the book has too much distractions which are details that i don't really care (such as the logic of the game the authors tried to get the readers to develop, as it is not important for someone who already have experiences developing games) and no enough concise explanations on how various scenarios and technical issues to be handled using Unity 2D as game development tool.

The only good stuffs i got away from reading the book are:

1. the animation (such as Sprite Editor, Dope Sheet, Animator Editor)
2. the game physics part such as Polygon Collider, Collider2D, OnTriggerEnter2D

This book is definitely not something i am looking for (i am looking for a "recipe" type of book i guess), but the book may be good for someone who has the luxury of time to follow through the entire tutorial of developing a 2D game.


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